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This blog speaks about the efficient proofreading services provided by HKNETS.
As I am a businessman, I have loads of documentation and business correspondence daily. I am well-educated and well-read, so I deal with the correspondence myself.
During my business expansion spree globally, I came across HKNETS, HK. This company provides proofreading and editing services and edits the document and re-writes them in tune with the native English standards. On the insistence of a friend, I approached them for the proofreading of an important item of business correspondence dealing with a new “international” and “prized” client.
I sent them the work and they sent me a quotation. I told them that I needed the document back within two days. I was running out of time. I was surprised when their quotation was less than I anticipated. What’s more, they did not charge any extra fee for the urgency!
When I got my document back, I was glad I made the choice of approaching HKNETS. They did to my document what MS word could not do. It was more than just “corrections”. They re-wrote and re-phrased certain parts of the document, so as to keep the language in tandem with the native English standards. The tone was improved and the syntax and structure were better.
Indeed, it read like a professionally written document. And, the message in the document remained unchanged. It was made more readable, more presentable and above all, error-free. Since then, I use the services of HKNETS for almost all of my business correspondence.
Address: Room 2102, Winning House, 10-16 Cochrane Street, Central, HK.
Telephone: +852 8191 2925
Email: hknets@netvigator.com