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For a layman, proofreading and editing might seem the two sides of a coin but the truth is way different. Editing allows you to go back to whatever you’ve documented and make all the necessary connections.
Document editing is a final revision of the draft before it is published or presented. It demands a professional eye that can sort out the errors and make the content fit for communicating the right message to the audience. Why professional editors are needed is because they offer a neutral and fresh perspective to a draft and also utilize their experience to weed out all the errors.
Proofreading is basically the final stage of the editing process, and the work focuses more on surface errors such as wrong spellings, small grammar mistakes and punctuation gaps. When a native English editor does the English editing of your document, they can help get rid of all sorts of spelling errors, grammatical, capitalization or numbering errors, punctuation mistakes, inconsistencies or any other misplaced words.
For an author, the sole purpose is to make his/her reader focus on the content of the writing, and not on the mistakes and errors. An unedited paper or book can drastically affect the image of any author. And, it is not just the grammar that matters but also the vocabulary.
Any author works really hard to develop and present his/her ideas, maybe in the form of a story or essay or passage. However, when there are some careless errors, it would distract readers from what you actually want to say. But apart from these documents, English editing will also be required for the regular works as well – emails, resumes, cover letters, blogs, and website content.
Effective proofreading is imperative, but for scholarly and professional documents, you need the help of a professional editor. No matter how diligently you write, it is not possible to write a complete error-free English document. You will need thorough reviewing, that will reflect on the thought, the grammar, syntax and other necessary elements.
The question arises, when in the digital age, is it at all necessary to have a human editor? There are a plethora of online editor services that can do the proofreading and spell-checking for you. The truth is, such editing software is good to a certain extent but when you want your work to be praised in true terms, you will need the human touch. After all, software doesn’t have experience! You would not like your readers to notice your typos and other silly errors when you have created something with so much passion!
This is where HKNETS comes in. They offer the most reasonable and fast editing services for all sorts of documents and should you have any revision needed, they will do it without any extra cost.
Address: Room 2102, Winning House, 10-16 Cochrane Street, Central, HK.
Telephone: +852 8191 2925
Email: hknets@netvigator.com